Field Guide To The Flower Fae Oracle Deck Project

I'm pleased to announce that I am working on a new project to be published by US Games Systems. I'll be creating illustrations for the Field Guide to Flower Fae Oracle written by Arwen Lynch Poe. I have approximately 2 years to complete all of the art. That's a comfortable amount of time for me to paint various flowers and fae for this exciting project.

I'm engaging in meticulous research on flowers to create accurate portrayals of flora of all shapes and sizes. The various fae will be diverse and eclectic, and will reflect my fantastical proclivities. The project is a mix of fantasy and botanical illustrations with an emphasis on the details. All of the art will be done using Winsor Newton watercolors and Arches hotpress watercolor paper. My paintbrushes of choice are the Winsor Newton Series 7. I'm enjoying sketching and painting, and will be posting my progress along the way.


The Fairy Tale Tarot is going to be published again!


Lisa and StaarCon 2022